Jamai 420 is an upcoming star based Kolkata Bengali movie.
It’s movie directed by Rabi Kinagi and jointly produced by Shree Venkatesh Films PVT Ltd and Surinder Films Limited.
Basically the film will be a fully comedy and entertainment based Bengali movie
Directed by: Rabi Kinagi
Produced by: Shrikant Mohta and Nispal Singh
Written by: N K Salil
Music directed by: Jeet Ganguly and Savvy
Star: Ankush Hazra, Soham Chakraborty, Hiran, Nusrat Jahan, Mimi Chakraborty,
Payel Sarkar and others
Jamai 420 movie written by N K Salil and produced by Srikant Mehta & Nispal Singh Rane.It is the second movie of Rabi Kinagi for 2015.
In this year his movie was HeroGiri; where were starring by Dev, Koel Mallick, Mithun Chakraborty and Sayantika Banerjee etc.
Jamai 420 upcoming star based movie filming already has been started.
Last week this movie shooting has started at Hyderabad.
The movies others shooting locations are Kolkata, Khalighat, South City, Dhobighat, Kolkata film industries and outside of India.