Puli (English: Tiger) is an upcoming Tamil Action-fantasy film written and directed by Chimbu Deven. The film features Vijay, Shruti Haasan, Hansika Motwani and Nandita in the lead roles alongside an ensemble cast including, Sridevi, Sudeep. Produced by Vijay's press relations officer Selvakumar, the project has music composed by Devi Sri Prasad and has Natarajan Subramaniam as cinematographer. After beginning pre-production works in early 2013, the film began its shoot in November 2014
Directed by : Chimbu Deven
Produced by : Selvakumar
Starring : Vijay,Aaditya Malathy,Hansika MotwaniS
Music by : Devi Sri PrasadStoryline
Written by : Chimbu Deven
The team began filming on 10 November 2014 at the Adityaram Studios on the East Coast
Road, Chennai, where a song featuring Vijay and Hansika Motwani was shot in a
set replicating a castle put up by art director, Muthuraj.[27] The team then set
up base in Pannaiyapuram for a forty five day stint, with hundreds of extras and
technicians gathered from neighbouring states.[28][29] A second schedule continued
throughout December after which it was reported that the film was twenty percent complete. After a Christmas break, production restarted in early January 2015, and carried on in the outskirts of the city until mid-January.[30] Reports which suggested that the team had secured permission to film at the Mysore Palace was dismissed by the makers as speculation.[31]
The film had begun shoot without a title and had been widely referred to
in the media as Vijay 58. Other titles such as Garuda, the script's original
name Maareesan, Maru Dheeran and Por Vaal were also registered by the producers, while finalising on a title.[32] The team consequently confirmed the title as Puli in early January 2015, after having bought the rights from director S. J. Surya.[33]